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Showing posts from 2016

A Baby!

Our New favourite breakfast food, Ouma's Rusks So I haven't posted in a while. I've had a lot of new beginnings over the past year. I've embarked on a new research topic - again something to do with Malawi obvs. I've also officially started learning the Dutch language and culture.Honestly, after more than four years here, it'd be hypocritical of me not to immerse myself when I constantly harp on about how expats (I hate that word by the way, how comes I'm not an expat here in Europe?) don't immerse themselves in our African cultures. A new beginning that has most changed my life and that of F is the birth of our daughter a couple months ago. She has more than one name, in honour of the paths our lives have walked on but for this blog I think the name Khanyisile best encapsulates the joy I feel writing about her arrival. From the little Zulu I know, Khanyisile means "shine the light".  I try, through this blog to shine the light on the mu